
The Witcher 3 Review

A wild, open, exhilarating fantasy roleplaying experience, rife with opportunities to make use of its excellent combat.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Review Thread : rGames

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a thoughtful, diverse, and frequently awe-inspiring adventure. Its stories are deep and satisfying, unafraid to ...

'The Witcher 3' Review

The Witcher 3 is the best Western RPG ever made with an epic and emotionally resonant journey that will have you feeling like a part of you is ...

The Witcher 3 review PC - Wild Hunt

It's a flawed masterpiece, but make no mistake, it absolutely is a masterpiece - one of the best RPGs ever created, and a true tribute to Sapkowski's stories.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reviews

評分 92% (80) The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece, and in many respects simply the best and most exciting game in recent years. It captivates players with artistic vision, a huge ... The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt · PlayStation 4 Critic Review

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Next-Gen Update Review

The game is still, to the surprise of nobody, The Witcher 3 for better and worse. Its gameplay is still great, albeit slightly dated compared to ...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

From a design standpoint, Witcher 3 is a nearly flawless game. The one area that does hold the experience back for me are a few elements of the ...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 is a wholesale improvement over the already-good Witcher 2, combining the free-roaming exploration of Red Dead Redemption with the ...

Witcher 3 Review: The Devil's in the Details

評分 4.0 · Fextralife · Design & Itemization · Beautifully crafted world that feels alive · A story driven game that allows for vast amounts of exploration · NPCs that ...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt review: off the path

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt takes the setting and complicated world-building of its predecessor and blows them out with an ambitious but logical ...


Awild,open,exhilaratingfantasyroleplayingexperience,rifewithopportunitiestomakeuseofitsexcellentcombat.,TheWitcher3:WildHuntisathoughtful,diverse,andfrequentlyawe-inspiringadventure.Itsstoriesaredeepandsatisfying,unafraidto ...,TheWitcher3isthebestWesternRPGevermadewithanepicandemotionallyresonantjourneythatwillhaveyoufeelinglikeapartofyouis ...,It'saflawedmasterpiece,butmakenomistake,itabsolu...